The School Photographers of America (SPOA) recognized Claudia Dencer, Leonard’s Photography, St. Augustine, Fla., with the first SPOA Presidents’ Award of Excellence at the International Conference on School Photography & Yearbooks. Dencer is the first chairman of the SPOA Governing Board. As executive vice president and general manager of the family-owned Leonard’s, she has 21 years of experience as a professional school photographer and customer relations expert.
Dencer was presented the award Friday, June 10, at during the association’s awards banquet and celebration at the Westin Galleria, Houston, Texas, by Doyce Crandall, Focused School Photography, who is president of the SPOA executive committee.
“The SPOA Presidents' Award of Excellence goes to the SPOA member who sets their own agenda aside to help fellow photography companies, and Claudia is an ideal first recipient of this honor,” said David Crandall, executive director, SPOA. “Claudia embodies servant leadership and is committed to the values and mission of our trade association.”