I could not be more excited about what 2023 will bring to this industry! We have so many positive things happening across the country, it gives me goosebumps. Before we get into that, however, this is the time for you and your team to plan for the next year. Make sure you take time to reflect on what went well, and what needs to be corrected, and set some new goals as a team.
Remember a few things:
You will be the only person tomorrow who remembers your mistakes of today. When life throws a curveball, it is not your failure. Take it as an opportunity to learn from it and optimize success. May you have a creative and successful New Year!
It’s okay to take risks, but it’s not okay to never try. Happy New Year! Now go be a maverick!
The time is right this New Year to get your opinions clear. Make a significant decision to do what makes you really happy. Take each day as a new opportunity to keep moving towards what you want. Life is not granted to us each day. Have a purpose and be intentional.
Say “thank you” more often this New Year. It is one of the most powerful ways we can move beyond our old habits and transform our lives. It does not matter if it is way overdue, make time to thank people that deserve it. Wishing you a healthy New Year full of success!
The New Year ahead has bought each of you another chance to set things straight and open up a new chapter in your life. If this hits home, then you know what to do.
Just the moment you feel like giving up, remember victory is always within reach! Remember this moving into the New Year in all of your planning efforts.
The SPOA leadership had an incredible summit, with both boards and most of our business partners, in Greenville, S.C. just a few weeks ago to plan for the entirety of 2023 and beyond. Instead of drowning you in the details, I believe you will start seeing the results from their decisions, directions, and planning effectively immediately. I am very excited about all the projects we have currently in place and the future ones we have already begun to work on.
In the meantime, please be on the lookout for some of the following items in emails, social media, and news articles:
SPOA/SONY student photography competitions - Fall announced and Winter is underway
SPOA National Photographic Competition - starting in February
SPOA Industry Awards - Nominations
Industry Hall of Fame - Announcement and Inductions
SPOA Board Elections - Open Seats and Application Process
SPOA Accreditation Program
SPOA Conference - Ticket and Booth Sales
SPOA Conference - Speaker Proposals and Presentations
Industry - National Shipping Agreement
Dale Carnegie - National Training Program
Again, the next 10 weeks are action-packed, so make sure you keep an eye on emails and social media if any or all of these capture your interest.
I have never seen a brighter future for this industry. From elementary yearbook participation to secondary yearbook participation to underclass and seniors portraits, we are seeing a national trend that parents are valuing our products and services more now than we have seen in 20 years. We all still have much work to do in providing moms with what they want, how they want it, and when they want it, but these are very encouraging attributes of the industry we serve. Thank you for all you do and have an incredible 2023!

David Crandall
Executive Director School Photographers of America