There is an immediate board opening on SPOA's Executive Board!

With Chris Garcia's election to vice president-elect, his former position as the Photography Chair is now open for candidates. Applications will be open through Friday, February 23, and then a special election will be held.
Candidates can be from a SPOA member company, business partner, industry supplier member, or education partner, or be a retired member.
SPOA's executive board has four meetings a year (January, May, August, November), plus the conference, all of which members of the board are required to attend. Meetings are held virtually, except for the conference (in July this year) and the Leadership Summit (usually in November), which are in person. It will now be up to board members or their companies to pay for their travel.
The board's seats have 2-year terms with a limit of 2 terms per person.
You may not serve on any other board in the industry.

Stay informed on the newest photography technologies and how they may aid or disrupt our industry.
Stay up-to-date on any laws or regulations which affect photographers.
Research any conferences in the visual imaging/computing sector which may benefit SPOA.
Head SPOA's Photography Committee, which includes overseeing SPOA's photography competitions. This includes setting up standards, arranging for judges, and participating in the annual awards ceremony.